Our Training

Quantum principal donalee Moulton is a professional educator. She has taught communications and writing-related courses at Dalhousie, Saint Mary’s, and Mount Saint Vincent universities in Halifax. She has led training workshops for all levels of government, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations in Canada and the United States. Below is a description of some of the workshops and courses Quantum can provide.

Business Writing
Writing well is one of the most important skills anyone can develop. The majority of professional jobs today require above-average writing skills. This class will help you understand the principles of effective writing and, most importantly, put what you learn to the test.

You’ll learn:

  • the elements of effective writing (e.g., clarity, simplicity and coherence)

  • four-step process for writing messages targeted to the reader

  • practical guidelines to sharpen and refine your writing

  • how to organize ideas and information logically

  • how to examine your writing with a critical eye

Editing Written Materials
Good editing, whether it’s for your own work or someone else’s, is an important skill to hone. This class will help you to develop your editing and proofreading skills so you can review documents and make or suggest changes that will improve the writing and ensure correct and consistent punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

You’ll learn:

  • to edit and proofread documents effectively

  • about the editing process and how editors work with writers

  • how to recognize commonly missed editing errors

  • ways to handle a lack of clarity or conciseness in documents

Grammar, Punctuation, and Proofreading
Grammatical and proofreading errors call into question your ability and your organization’s credibility. Getting it right builds confidence for you and your reader. This class will help enhance your use and understanding of the rules of grammar and punctuation.

You’ll learn:

  • common grammatical mistakes and how to avoid them

  • accurate use of punctuation and why readers care

  • style versus rules

  • techniques to proofread effectively

Implementing Policy and Managing Change Communications
New or amended policies must be implemented fully and strategically to be effective. This class will help you learn how to ensure that new and amended policies are communicated consistently and confidently.

You’ll learn:

  • components of a communications action plan

  • how to engage users in policy development and implementation

  • how to plant the seeds to develop a policy culture

Plain Language Writing
The most powerful language is also the simplest. This class will help you create documents that your intended audiences can read, understand, and confidently act on the first time they read it. You’ll get opportunities throughout the class to apply what you’ve learned to real-life examples.

You’ll learn:

  • what plain language is, what it isn’t, and why you should use it

  • how to write in plain language

  • ways to create reader-focused content

  • how organization and design can contribute to plain language

  • about tools that can help you evaluate readability

Working Effectively and Strategically With the Media
Serving as spokesperson for government, organizations, and companies is an important responsibility. You must present key information, communicate with authority, and position your organization as a credible source. This class will help you to confidently interact with the media and accurately represent your organization and the issues you grapple with.

You’ll learn:

  • the news cycle and what the media is looking for

  • how to build a relationship with your local media

  • how to come across as professional and in control

  • to get your message out clearly and avoid being misquoted

  • to prepare for and manage difficult interviews and questions

Writing Effective Policies and Procedures

Well-written policy documents guide an organization’s decision-making and help bring consistency to those decisions. They also provide much needed direction for employees, customers, and others. This class will help you decipher the often legalistic, dense, and complex language of your organization’s policies and procedures.

You’ll learn:

  • policy-writing challenges and how to address them

  • what policy users are looking for in a policy document

  • how to develop a template for policy preparation

  • how to write effective and clear policy documents

  • different writing approaches required for policies vs. procedures

  • how to organize ideas and information using mind mapping and policy-specific formatting

Writing To Persuade
To write persuasively is to move readers to action. This class will help you learn how to use the fundamentals of persuasive writing to successfully sell your ideas, build consensus, and have your ideas and proposals adopted.

You’ll learn:

  • to write persuasively and target your content for specific audiences

  • to craft language that engages readers and increases their understanding

  • to organize information for the greatest impact

  • to avoid common errors and issues